आप सभी इन महोदय से भली भांति वाकिफ़ हैं... ज़रुरत है तो सिर्फ दिमाग पर ज़ोर डालने की... ये महोदय बहुत जाने माने वैज्ञानिक थे... इन्होंने विज्ञान के लिए काफी कुरबानिया दीं थीं... फिलहाल आप सोचिए और बताइए... ज़रुरत पड़ी तो मैं आपको "क्लू" दे दूंगा... वैसे मुझे मालूम है आप लोगों को "क्लू" की आवश्यकता नहीं पड़ेगी... अगर इनके साथ वाली बच्ची का परिचय भी मिल जाए तो क्या कहने ..?
मंगलवार, फ़रवरी 02, 2010
मुझको पहचान लो... तो बताऊँ..!
Writer रामकृष्ण गौतम पर मंगलवार, फ़रवरी 02, 2010
सदस्यता लें
टिप्पणियाँ भेजें (Atom)
6 Responzes:
Albert Einstein and Albert Einstein’s sister Maria – called Maja
The young boy in the picture is Albert Einstein, who grew up to be perhaps the most famous scientist of all times. But what about the little girl? That, dear readers, was Maja Einstein, Albert’s sister and only friend during his childhood:
On November 18 in 1881 Albert Einstein’s (1879–1955) sister Maria – called Maja – was born in Munich. Her Jewish parents, Hermann Einstein and Pauline Einstein, nee Koch, had moved from Ulm to Munich in June 1880 with their two-year-old son Albert. There Hermann Einstein and his brother Jakob had founded the electrical engineering company Einstein & Cie. When little Albert saw his sister for the first time he thought she were a kind of toy and asked: “Yes, but where does it have its small wheels?” Maja and her brother Albert got along very well all their life.
Albert Einstein hi honge.
logo ne badiya jawaab diye hai
ab inke jawaab par mohar bhi laga dijiye Ramkrishan ji
130 years ago : March 14, 1879, Birth of Albert Einstein - Emblem of Reason, Icon of Wisdom...
On the Photo here is Two famous persons The oNe is Albert Einstein who told us the equation of energy (E = MC*C). And the anothr one is his Cute Little Sister MARIA. She Also called MAJA...
This Photo was taken when Albert Einstein was Just Ten years and Maja, She was just Six Years... His sister remembered the concentration and perseverance with which the young Einstein preferred to build houses of cards and play with his sister at home.
Thanks a lot to all off You For Contributing with me Here on My Blog Responzes... Thank you all a ton...
Ram K Gautam
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